Without Five Springs, Seed Heroes wouldn’t have started. The folks from Five Springs co-op are the ones who help run Seed Heroes. They’re like the behind-the-scenes heroes, making sure everything runs smoothly and the seeds grow well.
Modern day cities are killing our environment and our culture. It is time to rethink how we live together as well as with nature.
Five Springs Eco-Farm is a new take at an old concept.
We plan to create a living laboratory, that will explore a new way for humans to farm, harvest food, live in harmony with each other and with nature.
Named after the five springs on the farm which form theheadwaters of the Hoteo River, five springs eco-farm is an experimental living laboratory that allows individuals to own their own Freehold Property, whilst retaining a shared ownership in the food production farm and all the benefits that come with it.
Located on the Auckland/Northland boundary, only 10 minutes drive from Mangawhai township and 1.5 hours from Auckland CBD, the five springs eco-farm makes for the perfect location for those seeking a change in lifestyle, whilst remaining close to important amenities.
The Farm:
Based on the principles of permaculture and syntropic-agriculture, the farm is the core business behind the venture.
Our goal is to provide an abundance of organic food to our local and wider community, thereby decreasing the cost oF food and proving a better way of farming and feeding society.
As a living laboratory, experimentation is at the heart of all we do. From hydroponics, aquaponics and aeroponics in controlled environments to test ways of large scale farming, to syntropic-agriculture within market gardens and ultimately food forests with wild sprouting plants.
The mission is to increase biodiversity and honouring heirloom vegetables.